Mountain Project Logo
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
Northeast Ridge
Trad, Alpine 5 pitches
5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c
North Arete
Trad 5 pitches
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a
The Old Route
Trad 4 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Crynoid Corner
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b PG13
Trad 4 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b V0+ 4+
Fist Crack
V0 4
South Slab
V1 5 PG13
To Infinity
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
The Bastille Crack
Trad 5 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
New Era
Trad 2 pitches
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b A0
Stolen Chimney
Trad, Aid 4 pitches
5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c
East Face (Standard)
Trad 8 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Rebuffat's Arete
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Trad 6 pitches
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Kor's Flake
Trad 6 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
North Ridge
Trad 2 pitches
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Tilman's Arete
Trad 2 pitches
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a X
Trad 7 pitches
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a PG13
Regular Route
Trad 8 pitches
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b PG13
Trad, Alpine 12 pitches
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
Via Franz aka Westplatten
Trad, Alpine 16 pitches
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a WI2 M1-2 Easy Snow
Shoestring Gully
Mixed, Ice, Snow, Alpine 6 pitches
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
High Exposure
Trad 2 pitches
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a
Little Finger
Trad 3 pitches
WI3 Steep Snow
Pinnacle Gully
Ice, Snow, Alpine 3 pitches
WI3 M1 Mod. Snow PG13
Jefferson Slide
TR, Mixed, Ice, Snow 2 pitches
Mod. Snow
Regular Route
Trad, Snow, Alpine
Mod. Snow R
Whymper Route
Snow, Alpine
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
Thin Air
Trad 4 pitches
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a R
Standard Route
Trad 9 pitches
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
The El
Trad 3 pitches
5.8- 5b 16 VI- 14 VS 4c R
Harvest Moon
Trad, TR
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
The West Chimney
Trad 3 pitches
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c
Reppys Crack
Trad, Alpine
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b
Whitney Gilman Ridge
Trad, Alpine 6 pitches
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b
Trad, Alpine 8 pitches
Route Name Location Star Rating Difficulty Date
Northeast Ridge Alpine Rock > RMNP - Rock > Sharkstooth
Avg:  409
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad, Alpine 5 pitches
North Arete Boulder > … > North > First Flatiron
Avg:  274
5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c Trad 5 pitches
5.4 PG13
The Old Route Adirondacks > E: High Peaks R… > Rooster Comb Mtn
Avg:  39
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a Trad 4 pitches
Crynoid Corner Canon City > … > Cactus Cliff > A. Cactus Cliff Far L…
Avg:  770
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Sport
Catharsis Adirondacks > … > Poke-O-Moonshine > Poke-O Slab
Avg:  67
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b PG13 Trad 4 pitches
5.6 PG13
Fist Crack Central Utah > … > Left Fork > Crack Boulder
Avg:  257
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b V0+ 4+ Boulder
South Slab Central Utah > … > Left Fork > Big Joe
Avg:  59
V0 4 Boulder
To Infinity Central Utah > … > Left Fork > Riverside Boulders
Avg:  165
V1 5 PG13 Boulder
The Bastille Crack Boulder > … > Bastille > Bastille - N Face
Avg:  2,326
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 5 pitches
New Era Colorado Springs > … > Kindergarten Rock > E Face
Avg:  290
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 2 pitches
Stolen Chimney Southeast Utah > Fisher Towers > Ancient Art
Avg:  1,579
5.10 6b 20 VII- 19 E2 5b A0 Trad, Aid 4 pitches
East Face (Standard) Boulder > … > North > Third Flatiron
Avg:  1,207
5.4 4a 12 IV 10 VD 3c Trad 8 pitches
Rebuffat's Arete Boulder > … > Redgarden Wall > Redgarden - Lumpe to…
Avg:  615
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad
Rewritten Boulder > … > Redgarden Wall > Redgarden - Lumpe to…
Avg:  1,773
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 6 pitches
Kor's Flake Estes Park Valley > Lumpy Ridge > Sundance Buttress
Avg:  393
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 6 pitches
North Ridge Colorado Springs > Garden of the Gods > Montezuma Tower
Avg:  556
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 2 pitches
5.7 PG13
Tilman's Arete Adirondacks > B: Chapel Pond… > Tilman's Arete
Avg:  184
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 2 pitches
Empress Adirondacks > B: Chapel Pond… > Chapel Pond Slab
Avg:  129
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a X Trad 7 pitches
Regular Route Adirondacks > B: Chapel Pond… > Chapel Pond Slab
Avg:  321
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a PG13 Trad 8 pitches
Kreuzbandweg Europe > … > Furka Pass > Klein Furkahorn
Avg:  1
5.7+ 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b PG13 Trad, Alpine 12 pitches
5.7+ PG13
Via Franz aka Westplatten Europe > … > Furka Pass > Klein Furkahorn
Avg:  1
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad, Alpine 16 pitches
Shoestring Gully NH Ice & Mixed > - Crawford Notc… > 4. Mt Webster - Winte…
Avg:  188
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a WI2 M1-2 Easy Snow Mixed, Ice, Snow, Alpine 6 pitches
High Exposure Gunks > Trapps > i. High E
Avg:  1,885
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad 2 pitches
Little Finger Adirondacks > … > Rogers Rock > Rogers Slide
Avg:  192
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a Trad 3 pitches
Pinnacle Gully NH Ice & Mixed > Mt Washington > Huntington Ravine - W…
Avg:  238
WI3 Steep Snow Ice, Snow, Alpine 3 pitches
Jefferson Slide VT Ice & Mixed > Smugglers Notch… > 02W - Jeff Slide Area…
Avg:  41
WI3 M1 Mod. Snow PG13 TR, Mixed, Ice, Snow 2 pitches
Regular Route S America > Ecuador > Cotopaxi
Avg:  43
Mod. Snow Trad, Snow, Alpine
Whymper Route S America > Ecuador > Chimborazo
Avg:  2
Mod. Snow R Snow, Alpine
Thin Air Cathedral Ledge > Thin Air Face
Avg:  708
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad 4 pitches
Standard Route Whitehorse Ledge > 07. The Slabs
Avg:  364
5.5 4b 13 IV+ 11 MS 4a R Trad 9 pitches
The El Adirondacks > C: Keene Region > Pitchoff Chimney Cliff
Avg:  176
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad 3 pitches
Harvest Moon 1. Northern Ver… > Bolton Area > Lower W Bolton
Avg:  77
5.8- 5b 16 VI- 14 VS 4c R Trad, TR
The West Chimney WM: Franconia N… > Hounds Hump Rid… > Eaglet
Avg:  280
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad 3 pitches
Reppys Crack Cannon Cliff > 4. Moby Grape Area
Avg:  221
5.8 5b 16 VI- 15 HVS 4c Trad, Alpine
Whitney Gilman Ridge Cannon Cliff > 1. Whitney-Gilman Area
Avg:  678
5.7 5a 15 V+ 13 MVS 4b Trad, Alpine 6 pitches
Lakeview Cannon Cliff > 5. Slabs
Avg:  127
5.6 4c 14 V 12 S 4b Trad, Alpine 8 pitches

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