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Suggested Page Improvements to Gift of the Wind Gods

May 26, 2020
Protection Suggestion
A number of pitches follow weaknesses in the sandstone that take intricate, but good pro. When approaching these weaknesses, it often appears that they will be closed cracks with no pro, but this is generally not the case. A double set of nuts is key, and consider mixing the shapes you bring (a few offsets, etc). In addition to this, bring a single set of cams blue alien to #4. The #4 is most useful on P8. In addition to these, consider bringing some extra large hands cams. A number of the lower-graded pitches (3,5,8, I think) would require some healthy runouts, or some leap-frogging or other tomfoolery that wouldn't be an issue with extras. Personally, I'd bring a single set of cams, but triple up on the #3 size. Same size hexes would also work.

All of the bolts have been updated on this route.

Joey Latina
Apr 26, 2022
Height (ft): 1300

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