Scramble up the gully to the offwidth. The original line climbed the offwidth to the Big Rock Candy belay anchors and then headed left and up. Now there are 3 bolts to the left of the offwidth. Clip these and climb straight up (5.11) gaining a seam (optional gear between bolt 2 and 3) or stem from the offwidth until you can gain the seam and step over (5.10 ish) heading left to a slopey ledge. Clip a bolt and head up the bolt line (5.10) to anchors on a ledge to the left of the Candy Arete anchors. Possible gear between bolts. BEWARE OF LOOSE ROCKS BELOW ANCHOR.
This can be top roped with a full 70 meter but tie knots in the end. You may have to come off belay for the last 2 foot scramble down the gully.
Left of Big Rock Candy Arete, starts in same gully as the 5.9 offwidth.