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Kissed By a Raindrop

V8-9, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rock Boulders > (10) Oak Creek… > Canyon Proper > Kissed Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


Sit start at the base of a right facing brown rail. Make a large move up to the top, before spanning out left to marginal holds near the arete. Continue squeezing up before a desperate throw to a sloped jug at the top.

Very height and wingspan dependent. At 5’8” + 0 it felt comparable to many V9’s, whereas for people over 6 feet with a positive ape index it may feel easy for V8.

Beta video with hold closeups: 


West side of the boulder, under some trees.


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