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Take Your Guess

V7, Boulder, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 4 from 2 votes
FA: Nol H
Vermont > 1. Northern Ver… > Groton > Northern Boulders > Skid Maze Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Beautiful sculpted holds on a striking rail lead to a thoughtful top out on a slab loaded with huge sloper ledges. The texture on this rail is amazing.

Start on a perfect finger jug at head height. Throw a left heel up and then move right across the rail to some jugs. Make a tricky mantle/press move to get established on the slab and then scamper your way to the top. 


Look for the perfect rail under the overhang. 


4 pads

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On the first ascent of Take Your Guess
[Hide Photo] On the first ascent of Take Your Guess
The Skid Maze Boulder. Alternate starts not shown.
[Hide Photo] The Skid Maze Boulder. Alternate starts not shown.
The start hold
[Hide Photo] The start hold

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Nol H
[Hide Comment] A shouldery extension has been done starting on the sloper left of the start of Tickle Me Pink with an obvious low foothold. This increases the difficulty to V9 or so. Sep 3, 2024