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Forever Free

5.10a, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Victor Kenderdine
Pennsylvania > S Central PA > Susquehanna Riv… > 7. Gibraltar (M… > 2. Pixel Wall
Warning Access Issue: Previously Private Land. Recently transitioned to a PA State Park. Climbing is not yet permitted. DetailsDrop down


Start up in a corner and make a low layback move to a juggy ramp. Work up through a slightly overhanging corner to a prominent roof. Pull through the corner with a plate like flake on the right. Make a few pumpy moves till you can top out on a ledge. Continue on to a slab with distinct horizontals to one of the belay ledges. Join into one of the upper pitches.


Just right of Odie After Dark. Below the middle prow feature of this wall.


Standard rack

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Up to the corner and through (Forever Free Yellow, Wocket in My Hot Pocket Red)
[Hide Photo] Up to the corner and through (Forever Free Yellow, Wocket in My Hot Pocket Red)