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The Prancing Pony

5.7 V0, Trad, TR, Boulder, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Unkown
Minnesota > Duluth Area > Middle Earth


The most prominent crack on the tall wall. Use the abundant finger locks, jams, side-pulls, and face holds to make your way up. The "crux" is the slopey and mossy topout, but it's all there if not obvious at first! It all climbs surprisingly well and you'll only wish it went on for another hundred feet (unless you're bouldering). Some of the better rock quality I've encountered in the Duluth area.


Follow the well-maintained trail until you reach the tall walls on your right. Just past the access gully you'll find the crack, it's pretty obvious.


This crack protects beautifully with a couple cams in the range of 0.3-0.5 BD and a few medium stoppers. It would make an excellent first trad lead.
For TR, I'd recommend using a static rope using the one large tree close to the cliff and the bigger trees farther back (There may be places for cams or nuts but the second rocky terrace above the cliff was soaked and mossy) .

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Post cleaning and leading- photo by Cinneididh
[Hide Photo] Post cleaning and leading- photo by Cinneididh