Type: Trad, 35 ft (11 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 44 total · 16/month
Shared By: Milt Strickler on Jun 24, 2024
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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This is the easiest way to do P1 of Athlete's Feat. Unfortunately there's no protection. Climb the steep face directly to the anchors. I thought this was 5.10d/5.11a and almost a number grade easier than the mantle, which I think is 5.11+.  I've done P1 three different ways: this direct start (TR),  the mantle and very difficult face climbing just right of the mantle.  I think the direct start is by far the easiest and would make the entire route 5.11a.

This has appeared in at least one older guidebook as 5.10. The reason I post this is that I know personally and also have read about climbers who've done Athlete's Feat all free except for pulling on a sling on the P1 mantle.  This direct start might be their ticket to a free ascent --- if someone in their party can do P1 and provide a top belay.

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Start just left of the pointed flake and directly below the P1 anchors.  

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No protection. TR from the P1 anchors.


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