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Poker Face Direct

5.12a, Trad, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: Bob Gaines, Dave Mayville, 1993
California > Tahquitz & Suic… > Tahquitz Rock > (g) W Face > W Face - Left Side


Start up the 5.8 crack but instead of veering left to the ramp continue straight up the face past two bolts. After the second bolt continue up the ramp to the anchor of Devils Delight and Scarface. 


Just to the left of Scarface


Small to medium cams, 2 bolts

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Matt Beebe
[Hide Comment] 15 feet of full throttle climbing between the first and second bolt. The proximity of the ground necessitates an attentive belayer, as the casual sport climber belay w the Spanish loop could result in a ground fall. Clipping the first bolt with a single locking carabiner is best, to be sure. It was spicier than I thought it was going to be, but still theoretically safe. May 27, 2024