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Bullfrog Arete

V0, Boulder, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Kevin Dufresne, April 2024
Maine > -Clifton Crags > Eagle Bluff > Eagle Bluff Bou… > Talus Boulders > Big Boulder


Follow the righthand arete up blocky terrain to a ridge. Follow this ridge to the top of the boulder. 


Start on the righthand arete on the Big Boulder in the Talus Boulders area. 



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Routes on the Big Boulder (Left to right) Tadpole, Toadlet, Sticky Toad, Bufo, and Bullfrog Arete
[Hide Photo] Routes on the Big Boulder (Left to right) Tadpole, Toadlet, Sticky Toad, Bufo, and Bullfrog Arete