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Magnetti Sit

V9, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Jordan Watt
Colorado > Denver South > Gateway Mesa > Legacy Trail Bo… > Magnetti Area
Warning Access Issue: Technical Rock Climbing is not allowed in Gateway Mesa Open Space. DetailsDrop down


Sit start low and right of Magnetti stand with your left hand in a hueco and your right hand on a good cobble. Make 3-4 easy moves into Magnetti stand, and climb through Magnetti.


Sit start underneath Magnetti.


1-2 pads - it has a super flat landing.

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Sticking the foot release crux on Magnetti sit.
[Hide Photo] Sticking the foot release crux on Magnetti sit.

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Jordan Watt
Parker, CO
[Hide Comment] A beta video:…. Jan 15, 2024