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5.10c, Trad, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Mike Carrington and Kent Pease, with assistance from Laila Lund, 10/25/23
Colorado > S Platte > Erin's Tower


Sniper climbs a thin face with a traverse move protected by a bolt, then a weird combination of three cracks up high. Technically the face is the crux, but the upper section is interesting and still in the .10 range.


It is on the North end of the rock on the west side as shown on the Overview Map and Magazine Area Detail in the Erin's Tower photos.


One bolt, 1 each of finger-sized to #3 Camalots, and 1 old-sized #4 saved for the very top.

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The Sniper route.
[Hide Photo] The Sniper route.