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Joe Cool

5.13d, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Todd Perkins
Utah > Southwest Utah > Saint George > Hurricave


Climb Joe Blow to the anchor and then continue past the lip of the roof. The hardest move appears to be lower on Joe Blow, but there are some moves getting around and past the lip that could cause some problems. Here is a video of Elijah Luna sending Joe Cool in November of 2023:


Start on Joe Blow. Find the base of Skinwalker (13a) and climb up the chossy dihedral and up the ramp clipping some traversing bolts to a no-hands rest at around the 5th bolt or so. Then launch into the climbing by crossing Baby Joe and heading out toward the steep roof and the lip of the cave.


Bolts & fixed draws.

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Elijah Luna at the lip on Joe Cool.
[Hide Photo] Elijah Luna at the lip on Joe Cool.
Elijah Luna nearing the lip on Joe Cool.
[Hide Photo] Elijah Luna nearing the lip on Joe Cool.