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5.10d, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 0 from 0 votes
FA: Tom Kohlmann and Dan Hare
Colorado > Lyons > St Vrain Canyons > S Fork of St Vr… > Mushroom Massif
Warning Access Issue: MM 23-29.5 - now ended daily CO 7 highway closure/delays DetailsDrop down


Katrina is a slabby climb that starts in the shaded Afungusamongus corridor. A hollow flake starts you off in getting to a high first bolt (most of us will want a stickclip especially given the state of flake). Run it out to the second bolt (you could maybe place small-finger sized cams or sling a horn). Continue up a slab weaving back and forth across the bolt line for whatever features you can find until you can catch a break at the small arch feature, then prepare for the crux. Undercling nothing, smear on even more nothing, and tip toe your way to freedom.


In the Afungusamongus Corridor, this is the middle climb.


10 or so bolts to a 2 bolt anchor. You could place some supplemental gear.

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The wall hosting Mongoose (blue), Katrina (yellow), and Granitude (orange).
[Hide Photo] The wall hosting Mongoose (blue), Katrina (yellow), and Granitude (orange).