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5.6, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 12 votes
FA: Ben Wyse, Craig Spaulding, Don Blume 8-31-23
Virginia > Shenandoah & NW… > Hidden Rocks > (4) Hidden Roofs


Start below a short left facing corner with the first bolt on the face out to the right.  Follow a slightly left trending line of bolts up to a ledge.  Move up over easy terrain and then climb past 2 more bolts to an anchor on a fin of rock at the far right end of the crag.   


This climb is the furthest right route on the crag, just before the cliff breaks down.  


7 bolts, top anchor with chain/carabines.  

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Nearing the top! Photo by Elliott Pryor
[Hide Photo] Nearing the top! Photo by Elliott Pryor
Nearing the crux
[Hide Photo] Nearing the crux