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Gurtrude's cheek bone

5.8, Trad, 42 ft (13 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Robert Dalton, Steve Delisle Aug 16 2023
International > N America > Canada > Nova Scotia > Howe Crag
Warning Access Issue: Large logging vehicles have to be able to access the gate, so be careful where you park. Do not block the gate, and don't drive through it if it is open. DetailsDrop down


Step up onto the big block there you`ll find a nice little finger size crack. Work your way up a little bit left before cutting out right onto the face the crux will be at the end .So place a piece of gear near the end and do not be a  "Run out Rob".


Start one Meter right of The corn thief`s sonnet and go straight on up.


Standard rack, Ring anchors at the top.

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The start of Gurtrude's cheek bone
[Hide Photo] The start of Gurtrude's cheek bone