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Fire Escape

5.11a R, Trad, 160 ft (48 m),  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: Jason Haas
Wyoming > Laramie Area > Vedauwoo > Valley Massif
Warning Access Issue: Temporary Notice on aerial herbicide treatment & Bad Bolt Submission Form DetailsDrop down


This is a direct start to Ladder that climbs the water groove up into the hanging crack that Ladder traverses hard left into. Begin by scrambling up right via a trough. At a detached flake, transition left onto the slab, making delicate moves to a distinct knob jutting out of the water groove. Mantel onto the knob to get to the hanging crack, and merge with Ladder after 50 feet when that route traverse left into this crack system.

This slab is about 30 feet long with zero protection. A fall would be a groundfall into some jumbled rocks, so it would be more like R/X than just R-rated. I always intended to return and add a bolt to this to make it more reasonable but simply have never gotten around to it. I've been going through my old guidebook and remembering old adventures lately and adding some FAs to mountainproject - maybe this will motivate me to finally go add that bolt, haha.


Start about 20-25 feet left of Ladder. This is now the leftmost route on the Southeast face.


Rack to a #4 Camalot.

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The start of Fire Escape.
[Hide Photo] The start of Fire Escape.