Type: | Sport, 75 ft (23 m) |
FA: | unknown |
Page Views: | 178 total · 10/month |
Shared By: | HughC on Jun 19, 2023 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
Per JF M: as of May 2022, there is no signage on-site, nor information on the USFS webpage for the Cameron Peak Fire (nor on their published map of closures) that indicates the area is closed.
Per Bruce Hildenbrand: it appears that the Forest Service has closed access to all the climbing areas accessed via Storm Mountain Road (Monastery, Cedar Park, Combat Rock, etc.) until they can clear all the dangerous dead trees from the Cameron Peak fire.
I worked this issue with Eric Murdock at the AF, and it looks like the Forest Service picked Devil's Gulch Road as the southern boundary even though all the climbing areas on MP.com were not burned.
Pitch 1. This fun sport route shares the start of Front Lines. It deviates after clipping the second bolt (above and right of the pin). Get tall for the bulk of the route, surmounting the face with big reaches and mantels. The crux comes at the arete near the top, where some devious crimping and good technique will get you the send.
Pitch 2: I haven't done this pitch yet, so please feel free to provide info.