Type: Sport, 85 ft (26 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 137 total · 7/month
Shared By: Richard Rose on Jun 4, 2023
Admins: Dave Rone, Tom Jones, Richard Rose, Rhys Beaudry

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Description Suggest change

Climb straight-up on delicate slab, trusting your feet on small (but sticky) rock while looking for options to use your hands. Difficult at the start getting established off the ground, and a later crux 1/2 way up will test your balance. Well-protected and enjoyable, sustained slab climbing.

Location Suggest change

Located between two large pine trees in the middle of F slab. Line of many (12 total) bolts heading almost directly straight up, finishing right and above a large block feature at the top of the wall. 

Protection Suggest change

Bolted (12 bolts) and bolted anchor
