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Uncongenial Introduction

V2+, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: J. Thompson 4-2023
Texas > Lake Palo Duro > Fourth Canyon > Wall of Shame


This climbs the tallest part of the wall on sharp crimps and pockets. It’s made more interesting by several angle changes as the climber gains height. The crux is making the first long move to a sharp pocket from the sit but this could be done from a stand start which would drop the difficulty to around V1.


About 10 feet to the right of a prominent offwidth crack look for a thin vertical seam with several cactus plants growing out of it at about the 10 foot level. The problem climbs the face just to the right of the seam. The flake next to the lower seam isn’t off per se, but looks like any attempt to pull on it would rip it off the wall. For the sit down start use a good LH sidepull next to the seam and a good 3 finger dish for the RH. 


At least 2 crashpads. The topout puts the climber pretty far above the pads.