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Big Ol' Boulder

V3-4, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 4 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Connecticut > CT Bouldering > Land Trust Boulder


Sit start matched on the triangular pinchy hold in the center of the face, fire up and right to a tiny and blocky incut crimp block. Then bump your left hand to a sidepull undercling crimp just below the tiny crux crimp of Birch Aid and with that compression bump right hand again to a small square edge above the funky incut slot thing. Then left hand can bump to the big edges in the middle of the face and to the shared topout at the apex of the boulder. A punchy start with bad feet for the compression section in the middle.


This climb goes right up the center of the steep face


3 pads is probably minimum- you stay more to the right on this boulder than the others to the left of it but you'll still need to pad the boulders in the landing a bit to protect the topout

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The steep side of the boulder
[Hide Photo] The steep side of the boulder