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Solo One Kenobi

5.10a/b, Sport, TR, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Marcus Floyd, Nick Richards
Missouri > EM: Sage Mtn Re… > Mtn Left > 07: Fern Pass
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Steep face start uses small pockets and crimp edges to gain a great clipping edge for the first clip. Now below the steep slab and arete above, you have again the choice to stay left of the bolts or right of the bolted line. 

Climbing this route by only staying left of the bolts is a bit easier than staying to the right side the whole way up the face. Obviously, using anything within reach may be a bit easier for your build or climbing style.

The Arete features make the top easier but the bottom still holds a crux to the first bolt.


First bolted line right of Risky Crack. Great top rope option if you climb the easier crack first.


several bolts and rap anchors