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Nice Lady

5.13b, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 4 from 1 vote
FA: Dan Smith (Safety Dan) 9/11/22
Maine > -Shagg Crag
Warning Access Issue: Peregrine Falcons in Maine DetailsDrop down


Bring your endurance, crimp strength, and creative resting ability. Fire the Fat Lady V7 intro boulder (3 bolts) to the rail and traverse left. Skip some bolts to reduce drag on the traverse and fire the Ginseng crux (extending the post crux bolt is useful).  Try to get a shake and do the Nice Tooth traverse, fire that crux, and take it to the chains! Fat Lady into Nice Tooth is the Nice Lady. The big endurance linkup.


Start as per Fat Lady and bail left to Nice Tooth 


Permas (8-9) depending on how many you skip. Extending some draws helps.

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The opening boulder problem
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