Type: Trad, 330 ft (100 m), 4 pitches
FA: unknown
Page Views: 247 total · 8/month
Shared By: David Elviss on Aug 28, 2022
Admins: Chan Kim

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Description Suggest change

P1: (5.6) Start at the Oasis. Climb with slab with some cracks for protection until you get to the belay at a blocky ledge with a tree.

P2: (5.8) Climb up the dark streak and step across the gap. Follow the well protected finger crack to the anchor.

Alternate P2: (5.8) Follow the bolt line on the slab left of the finger crack to the anchor.

P3: (5.6) 40m chimney pitch with poor protection. There is a flake for the first 10m and then there are some chockstones higher up. Belay at the top from a fallen tree.

P4: (5.7) A double crack that leads to a runout low angle gully to the top. 

At the top of the route head left until you can start moving towards Sesame Oil Slab to top out.

Location Suggest change

Start this route from the Oasis. Climb up the slab/crack right of Pasi. The anchors for pitch 1 are near a tree on a blocky ledge in the left facing corner.

Protection Suggest change

Bolted anchors except for the top of the chimney. Some bolts, mostly gear.

