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Threemile-s of Lichen

V0, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: Hunter Uhr, Aug 2022
Minnesota > BC's Wilderness Chall…
Warning Access Issue: The only access to this wall is by canoe or kayak DetailsDrop down


Very crunchy slab, starting with a sit-start just above the water, matched on the obvious shark-tooth feature. Lock and stand into slopey jugs as you try to keep your skin intact as you mantle and smear up the ascending slopey jugs. Top out and enjoy the bay view!

Best experienced barefoot such that you do not disturb the existing lichen on the rock. This also adds a delicate touch to the, otherwise V-EZ climb.

I HIGHLY encourage not cleaning the face that this route takes place on, as well as any other rocks or features you may come across in the BWCA. Lichen adds to the grade :)


A Short 5-10 minute paddle SE of the Palisades, See photographed map. Immediately in the bay of campsite 474 on Threemile Island


water. Canoe with a pad...?

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X marks the spot for the campsite featuring this wall
[Hide Photo] X marks the spot for the campsite featuring this wall
Sit Start. May be subject to sitting in water for your start :)
[Hide Photo] Sit Start. May be subject to sitting in water for your start :)