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Mark Handdrill

5.10a, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.4 from 40 votes
FA: unknown
Nevada > Southern Nevada > Red Rocks > (01) Calico Basin > Red Spring > Jabba the Hutt Rock
Warning Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet. DetailsDrop down


A steep start onto the wall using large, solid, positive holds gets you going on this fun route.  Crux between bolts 4-5 is probably height-dependent, and takes a slabby step up to a sandy sidepull.  Harder than the line left of the crack.


Right of Shallow Fried Cracken


6 bolts to anchor

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Mark Handdrill
[Hide Photo] Mark Handdrill

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Tracy Martin
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Anchor mussy hooks installed April 2023 Apr 18, 2023
Nick Andrew
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] Heads up that the 4th bolt is currently wiggling in the hole. Jun 9, 2023