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Choss Hero

5.11d, Sport, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 2 from 3 votes
FA: Jim Day, Grant Freeman
Texas > Hamm Creek Park > Carrion Wall &… > Carrion Wall


Dirty ledges for the start.  A shallow quartz pocket, then out right to some flakey crimps and a big reach to top out

Developed by Jim, FA grant freeman


Directly beneath the fence line by the Army Corps boundary marker monument


Two bolts, ring and quicklink for top anchors

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Choss Hero
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Jim Day
Fort Worth, TX
Zac Cadwalader
[Hide Comment] Fun 2-3 move sequence in the middle. (The crux is trying to find your feet around the bulge.) Jan 30, 2022
Jim Day
Fort Worth, TX
[Hide Comment] Zac Cadwalader This is one of my recent projects, just finished bolting it a couple weeks ago. It's thin after the second bolt. I've been able to do it with a right heel and a tiny crimp bump to the good topout holds (which are barely out pf my reach without the intermediate hold) but was too worn out to get it clean. Sounds like y'all beat me to the first clean send, good job. Jan 31, 2022
Zac Cadwalader
[Hide Comment] @jim we settled on a dyno from the crimps to the slopey ledge out right (we slapped off most of the dirt on that and the other slopey ledge just below the chains) and then rocking over onto a high left foot that you use to heel hook. If you're tall enough you can keep your feet on the dyno, but cutting is the more fun way to do it. Finding intermediate feet on the underside of the bulge without being able to see them is the trickiest part. Jan 31, 2022