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Éclair Blanc

WI3-4 M5-6, TR, Mixed, Ice, 115 ft (35 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
International > N America > Canada > Quebec > Quebec Ice, Mix… > 14. Lanaudiere Ice > Mastigouche > C. N ampitheatre (Jed…
Warning Access Issue: CLOSURE - FERMETURE 2023-01-09 DetailsDrop down


Dry tool up bolted zig-zag crack to a left sloping ledge. Mount a head wall to a larger ledge. Finish up to top.

Depending on how much ice there is, the difficulty changes dramatically. It's critical that there is ice near the top of the crack [bolt 5-6 ] and above on the sloped ledges.


6 bolts & screws + bolted anchor

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Éclair Blanc
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