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White Walls

V7, Boulder, 11 ft (3 m),  Avg: 2 from 3 votes
FA: Brad Fauteux
Tennessee > Stone Fort > Front Area > Art of the Vogi Boulder


Sit start with a three finger left-hand sidepull/ undercling pocket. The right hand starting hold is a sloping two finger pocket to the right.

Pick some feet and pull up to a shallow pocket and figure out how to get to the good sidepull pocket-pinch up and right. Once here, blast for the lip jug or use some bad intermediates.

The landing is slightly sketchy with a drop off to the left and another drop off to the right. The drop off on the right is easily padable for the top section.


This problem is found in the middle of the aesthetic, featured face. This is one of the first walls visible when approaching the boulderfield from its main entrance.

Another way to pinpoint this boulder is to locate the steep classic "Art of Vogi". This problem is on the backside face.

The best approach is to hike down the entrance steps, then veer left before the bottom of the hill. There is an established trail uses to access other boulders in the area without hiking in a horseshoe shape.


2 pads. Maybe 4+?

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CrimpDaddy WesP
[Hide Comment] saw this thing last year and wondered why there wasnt anything here. nice, ill have to try it Jan 16, 2022
Mario Morante
Chattanooga, TN
[Hide Comment] Found a few lines back here. Need Beta? Dec 4, 2024