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Unknown route left of Sicilia

5.11c, Sport, 130 ft (39 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: M. Piola
International > Europe > Italy > Sicily > Trapani – San V… > Nuova Ossessione


Another long pitch with some tricky face climbing followed by a sustained section of tufa climbing to the anchor.  There is a lower anchor about halfway up the route that goes at 6a (5.10b).


The start might be a little confusing to identify but basically look for a left facing corner that curves up and left with glue in bolts.  This route starts on the slab about 10' to the left of the corner and crosses the corner about 40' up.  


Approximately 20 glue-in bolts. The anchor is visible under a orange roof with large tufas on either side.