Type: Sport
FA: unknown
Page Views: 390 total · 10/month
Shared By: Aaron Glasenapp on Nov 14, 2021
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Climb up the not-so-great slab, clip a bolt, then head into the awesomeness. If you follow the lieback crack, using face features when you want including some awesome "pocket edges", it's a great 11b route. Climb up to a no-hands rest, then finish on the short crack above to the anchors.

Or, don't use the lieback crack, and make it a 12a face climb, using the same bolts up into the no hands rest. Finish on the same upper crack.

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It is #12 in the topo.

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8 bolts.
