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You Know What They Say!

5.6, Trad, TR, 35 ft (11 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 4 votes
FA: Jack June, Bob McCann, Rosemary Helsing, Jon O'Brien
California > Lake Tahoe > I-80 Corridor > Donner Summit > Rest Stop Cliffs > 2. Rosemary Wall


Consistent fun, mellow but thoughtful climbing, start in the mini corner and go up and left to the leaning crack.  A variation includes stepping right into Bob and Jack's Crack after you pull the start for another consistent, mellow climb.  Anchors w/ rap stations.  


One crack right of the leaning block boulder, starts in a mini corner under an offwidth, go around left and up on big holds instead of pulling the offwidth.  


Standard rack

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Nice view of the leaning headwall full of nice cracks above starts of Snip Snap, Know what they say, Bob/ Jack's crack, Keeps the Doctor Away!
[Hide Photo] Nice view of the leaning headwall full of nice cracks above starts of Snip Snap, Know what they say, Bob/ Jack's crack, Keeps the Doctor Away!
Our crack queen, her majesty Natalie pulling down!
[Hide Photo] Our crack queen, her majesty Natalie pulling down!
Starts left to right: Snip snap, you know what they say, bob and jack's crack everyday, keeps the dr away.
[Hide Photo] Starts left to right: Snip snap, you know what they say, bob and jack's crack everyday, keeps the dr away.