Type: Sport, 80 ft (24 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 374 total · 9/month
Shared By: Rprops on Sep 29, 2021
Admins: Luke EF, Justin Johnsen

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Traditional Temptation's big brother. 

This route opens with a launch off the deck to a hand jam, followed by short lie-back section. Stem from left corner to right corner, use a few more traddy finger jams, and find a rest. 

The first anchor comes after a few bolts of thoughtful, easier face climbing.

8 more bolts get you to the second anchor. This involves a tricky (safe) traverse and some exposed crimping up a beautiful face of gray rock and chert.  A little dirty, but a very wild, lonely place. Probably 10+ if you nail the beta. 

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Belay bolt. Just before the alcove.

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13 bolts to the first anchor at 25m. 8 more bolts to the 2nd anchor at 40m. (We lowered to the first anchor and rethreaded to get down with one rope.)


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