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Impossible Dream

5.12a, Sport, 30 ft (9 m),  Avg: 3.6 from 10 votes
FA: Aaron Collins Ross Cowan
Arizona > Central Arizona > E Verde > Library


In my route names they are almost always related to something going on in my life. Baby Business was put up when my first son was in the womb, thus the womb as well… impossible Dream is the same. I’ve eyed this line for years. Saying one day I’ll put it up. One of the best things of my life ended that day and I was feeling I need a distraction. So on a whim I ran up to Payson to give it a go and I sent it after a couple warm up tThe first thought that came to me was Impossible Dream.   The ironic thing is that I actually did it, so lesson learned. Nothing is Impossible if you can Dream it!

ID Follows horizontal rails out, pulling the lip to chains. Only one draw needed at the start then the rest are permadraws to the chains just past the lip.
Enjoy making the impossible possible!!


Impossible Dream is easy to find as it follows the permit draws out the right side of the cave.



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Robert sending!!
[Hide Photo] Robert sending!!

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Carl Leon
Phoenix, AZ
[Hide Comment] Five stars ! An AZ must -do route Oct 31, 2021
Claire Kuhn
Grand Junction, CO
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First female ascent?
Very good route! Mar 10, 2022
Wes Kline
Emmaus, PA
[Hide Comment] You grid-bolted a crack with permadraws that could easily take gear. yikes, sad! Aug 2, 2022
Aaron Collins
Mesa, Az
[Hide Comment] Wes Kline If you got it not using the bolts, I’d be happy to remove the bolts and give you the FA. Open invite to anyone that wants it! Aug 7, 2022
Aaron Collins
Mesa, Az
[Hide Comment] Brooks it’s an open project trying to extend the route to the top. Aug 7, 2022