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Jafar's Zaba-Caba-Dabra

5.10+, Trad, 45 ft (14 m),  Avg: 4 from 1 vote
FA: Li-Hsin, Chuang
International > Asia > Taiwan > 1. Long Dong (D… > (5) Grand Auditorium
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Peregrine Falcon Closure DetailsDrop down


BD#0.3-#4 (double depends)


Can start from below on the trail, climb up some easy pitches then to the comfy ledge next to #328 Via del Drago.
If you look up from the ledge,you can spot a wide crack above.
Climb the same start with #Handsome Devil. after 3 meter or so,traverse to the left then you'll find yourself right under the wide crack, then pounch your way out.

No bolted anchor,you can set up your own gear anchor, or there are solid bolts on the ground,can be link up with extremly long sligs but I'd rather use rope.

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Share the same start with #Handsome Devil
[Hide Photo] Share the same start with #Handsome Devil
wide section close to the top
[Hide Photo] wide section close to the top
There is a trail from observation lookout point, find out the easy way to walk down along with the #Via del Drago direction, easy scamble about three meters, then you'll see the clear trail path
[Hide Photo] There is a trail from observation lookout point, find out the easy way to walk down along with the #Via del Drago direction, easy scamble about three meters, then you'll see the clear trail path
the wide section close to the top, gear anchor, then topout
[Hide Photo] the wide section close to the top, gear anchor, then topout
traverse to the left and follow the wide crack all the way up
[Hide Photo] traverse to the left and follow the wide crack all the way up