Type: | Sport, Alpine, 70 ft (21 m) |
FA: | Rex Hong(?) |
Page Views: | 668 total · 16/month |
Shared By: | Max Tepfer on Aug 27, 2021 |
Admins: | Mike Snyder, Taylor Spiegelberg, Jake Dickerson |
Climb up the Waterstreak to the glued flake. (the glue is currently loose and could use some attention) From this point, bust straight up through a slightly airy section to two more bolts and a very thin, crimpy crux to the anchor. The anchor could use lowering hardware.
Apparently this thing broke at some point in the past. You can kind of see a scar near the crux where a hold may have been. Anyway, my understanding is that it was originally graded 13a pre-break. That felt about right when I did it recently. (post-break)