Type: Trad, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 479 total · 11/month
Shared By: Haiden Rothwell on Aug 24, 2021
Admins: K Ice, Kris Gorny

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Route #5 in the PDF

Bob's hands must be smaller than mine, start was more fingers but it did get a bit wider in some spots. 

Scramble up the loose crumbly rock up to a pair of bolts to belay off of (could treat the scramble as pitch 1 and rope up, but not necessary). From the bolts, pull a somewhat tricky start to gain access into the crack. Run up the crack until you spot some bolts, keep going, and eventually reach the chains atop the rounded and gravely top. 

Descent: From top anchor, rap down to belay station at base of crack. Either downclimb the crumbly scramble or rap again from anchor. Personally I would choose to rap again

Unsure on a rating of 5.7, may be easier or harder. I've felt the first third of the crack is the most awkward/tricky. PDF does not give a suggested grade

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Route is directly south(?) of Uncharted Waters and Information Wall

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Nuts, hexes, smaller cams (~0.4 - 1 maybe, I only used a 0.5 Friend), at least 2 quick draws for bolts up high
