Type: Sport, 130 ft (39 m), 2 pitches
FA: A Collins, A Endres, SA Little, L Arndt, K Nobel
Page Views: 728 total · 17/month
Shared By: Aaron Collins on Jun 3, 2021
Admins: Greg Opland, Brian Boyd, JJ Schlick, Kemper Brightman, Luke Bertelsen

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Starts in a smooth v corner and head out right crawl through a dihedral and head out right to a hidden bolt just out of sight but will come into view as you get higher right and out of the corner. You can stop at the anchors or continue up the 5.6 face to the top of the wall.  It’s still has quite a bit of lichen on it but will clean up with more traffic.  If you go to the top you can access the upper shelf  from there. It will require 2 rappels to get down with a 60m rope.  Lots of draws (15) and maybe a few runners would be nice.

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Stats just above the little boulder field in the creek on a nice shaded deck.

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