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Meticulous Magnitude

V7, Boulder, Alpine, 14 ft (4 m),  Avg: 3.8 from 11 votes
FA: Brad Fauteux
Vermont > 1. Northern Ver… > Smugglers' Notch > Smugglers' Notc… > Top of the Notc… > 2020 Landslide… > Magnitude Boulder
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures for access issues: please review DetailsDrop down


Start crossed on a quartz edge and an incut just to the right of it. Figure out some feet and how to move up to a blocky pinch hold and a sloping undercling. After some hard foot moves, stand up and smack some slopers and jump to the lip of the boulder.


This problem is on the sheer, almost blank face of the large boulder found at the bottom of the cluster. This boulder is also home to "Goat Path" and "Bumpy Road" along with "Slab Ambassador".


3 or 4 pads. The landing is halfway decent, but the tension on the climb is vast, so ejection is a possibility.

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The face.
[Hide Photo] The face.
Austin Hoyt trying hard on the second ascent of "Meticulous Magnitude".
[Hide Photo] Austin Hoyt trying hard on the second ascent of "Meticulous Magnitude".