"Wheres the crux? Whats good / bad? Details, opinions, and deep thoughts."
The crux is at the double gaston, finishing 10 feet out left of Ludwigs Dude.
Whats good is that its hard. Whats bad is that it is that its not a natural climb, its an old aide route route that use old pin scars for some of the holds.
This climb is called The Resistance, not "resistance" (Air On) which are two different climbs that are confused with one another.
This line being described here has has certainly been resisted. Its possible that it has only seen 2 ascents as of May 12 2021.
What is Interesting? "This climb has a similarity to The Mandala V12. Dave Graham found new beta after Chris Sharma put it up using two gastons. Instead of using gastons, Dave grabbed one of the gastons as a sidepull and busted out right finishing on the same section of the boulder". -Jamie Emerson
In 2002 that same thing happened on this section of rock in Grand Ledge when Aaron Stockhausen grabbed one of the holds as a sidepull (instead of as a gaston) and jumped out right to a ledge near Ludwigs Dude. The line that Aaron took is called "Air On" 5'13c as he did this climb with a rope as well. The Resistance uses two gastons for the crux and finishes out left from Ludwigs Dude.
Blank Face with Pin Scars to the left of Ludwigs Dude and near The Tooth boulder problem.