Type: Sport, 50 ft (15 m)
FA: JDM 4-20-21
Page Views: 910 total · 20/month
Shared By: JD Merritt on Apr 21, 2021 · Updates
Admins: Kristin Tippey, JD Merritt, Micah Klesick, Nate Ball

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Warning Access Issue: Private Logging Land: no access in high fire danger, don't drive past the gate. DetailsDrop down

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Tree Suggest change

The linkup of EOES into Hit the tree, with the highest obvious traversing line. Get shakes after the hard boulder on EOES, and again after traversing the pocket band right. (Don't clip the anchor or mantle left onto the ledge, throwing a heel or toe up is on route though). Then twist and cross your way up and right through dreamy pockets as for Etched. At the last bolt of Gilded, pull right through thin two finger pockets, joining Hit the tree for the final redpoint crux. Nice moves and for sure the proudest finish, despite the proximity to the tree.

The final moves of Hit the Tree really thin out, and may pose the redpoint crux of the whole rig, however good you may be at resting. Fell at the end, from the ground, 4 or 5 times before sending. Had sent EOES 7-8 times by that point. Does it stack? IMO, yes. 

Something like .13c into 12+ enduro. 43 hand moves in my case. 

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Pink in topo. EOES, across Guilded, Finishing on Hit the Tree

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Passes 10 gluein bolts along the way. 

Note that the tree was padded (with moving blankets strapped over foam sleeping pads) for the first ascent, mainly to breathe easier skipping 1-2 clips at the end. If you have something left in the tank to clip the last bolt, you won't need to worry about the tree at all.

Yes, it does in fact blow if you hit the tree...
