Type: Sport, 70 ft (21 m)
FA: K. Hutch?
Page Views: 438 total · 10/month
Shared By: Eric Kozera on Apr 20, 2021
Admins: GRK, Zach Wahrer

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Warning Access Issue: Allenspur Approach DetailsDrop down

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A unique route for the Spur, this "older" line has recently received a retro-cleaning and is now a very enjoyable, sustained enduro pitch of pockets and jugs on a gently overhanging face. This route still hosts some poor rock in spots, belayer beware..Helmets and a stickclip are highly recommended. 

Hutch gives this a 5.12a rating in his guide.

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Far right side of Main, up and around the terrace on the "backside" of the wall in a small gully.  Starts in a corner, goes straight up the overhanging face. Short bit of morning sun, afternoon shade. Shares anchors with Hermes Horror Show.

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7 bolts to Mussy anchor
