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Brown & Veiny

5.8, Sport, 65 ft (20 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 14 votes
FA: Kushwant Bussawah, Kendra Mazur, Eric Tran, Steven Chua
International > N America > Canada > British Columbia > Sea to Sky (Squ… > Chek > Conroy's Castle


Start right of I Love You 3000. Follow the line of bolts. Crux is the slab exit. Hand jam the final moves. 


Obvious start right of ILY 3000


12 bolts and bolted anchor. Bolts are spaced close together so you can get away with skipping a few. Rap off the left or right

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Looking up from ILY 3000
[Hide Photo] Looking up from ILY 3000