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Slope Surfer

V7, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 4 from 2 votes
FA: Mark Ulbrich, Apr 2021
Virginia > Shenandoah & NW… > Elizabeth Furnace > Buzzard Rocks


Start far right under the overhang.  Pull up into the crack line and traverse left until reaching the start of "Slope Surfer Direct".  Finish by climbing "Slope Surfer Direct".


Same as for "Slope Surfer Direct".


If you want good coverage, you need 3 pads. At minimum, one big pad for the top out. The landing sucks and the top out involves some committing moves while (potentially) pumped. Spotter recommended, especially because this boulder is pretty off the grid. 

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Shows the lines, "Slope Surfer" in yellow and "Slope Surfer (Extended Start)" in red.
[Hide Photo] Shows the lines, "Slope Surfer" in yellow and "Slope Surfer (Extended Start)" in red.
slope surfer
[Hide Photo] slope surfer

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[Hide Comment] You can get to the boulder faster by going up Shawl Gap trail (orange blazes) and taking a right onto Buzzard Rock, the trail the boulder is visibly next on. At the top of Shawl Gap, you'll reach an intersection with several signs, one of which will point you in the direction of Buzzard Rock. Be sure to follow the sign carefully or you could end up lost in a somewhat remote area.

Address for the parking area: 4519 Panhandle Rd, Front Royal, VA 22630 Mar 9, 2023