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Ape Law

V4, Boulder, 10 ft (3 m),  Avg: 3 from 1 vote
FA: Liam Hogan
Utah > S Central Utah > Glen Canyon > Big Water Boulders > 1. Rdside Boulders > D. 2nd Rdside P… > Planet of the Apes Area


Sit start on a left-hand crimp sloper and right two-finger hollow under cling. Reach up left to crimp side pull then to distinct sloper out right. A couple more moves to a tricky finishing mantel. Avoid hollow flake.


Found on the backside of a boulder between Zira (C) and Gasch's (D) boulders. A collection of tumbleweeds had been collecting in front of it.

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Liam climbing Ape Law
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