Type: | Sport, 150 ft (45 m), 2 pitches |
FA: | David Carrera, 2009 |
Page Views: | 688 total · 14/month |
Shared By: | Phil P on Jan 17, 2021 · Updates |
Admins: | jt512, Nicole Wiesenthal, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes |
2. The south end of the First Corridor is in danger of collapsing at the base of Sophie’s Choice. A dam of rocks and soil has been built to divert water away from the eroding soil underneath these huge boulders. Please help keep this system in place until a more permanent solution is implemented.
Pitch 1 (Inbred Hick, 85ish ft): Chimney to the first bolt, or don't if feeling strong. Then, pull onto the face and climb a technical, vertical face. If it seems like the holds are running out, poke your head out just a little further to search for hidden pockets/crimps above. Gain a few good rests about halfway through, then pull another technical section at the top just before the anchors.
Pitch 2 (Makin' Babies, 65ish ft): Climb jugs all the way to the top of the Hatchery. The chains are in a good location to wander out onto the fairly flat top for a good view.