Type: Sport, 150 ft (45 m), 2 pitches
FA: David Carrera, 2009
Page Views: 688 total · 14/month
Shared By: Phil P on Jan 17, 2021 · Updates
Admins: jt512, Nicole Wiesenthal, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Warning Access Issue: 1. RAIN & WET ROCK 2. DANGER OF EROSION DetailsDrop down

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Pitch 1 (Inbred  Hick, 85ish ft): Chimney to the first bolt, or don't if feeling strong. Then, pull onto the face and climb a technical, vertical face. If it seems like the holds are running out, poke your head out just a little further to search for hidden pockets/crimps above. Gain a few good rests about halfway through, then pull another technical section at the top just before the anchors.

Pitch 2 (Makin' Babies, 65ish ft): Climb jugs all the way to the top of the Hatchery. The chains are in a good location to wander out onto the fairly flat top for a good view.

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Towards the north end of the first corridor on the west wall. This route starts among the bushes on the west side, and the first bolt can be easily reached by stemming.

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9 bolts to mussies on pitch 1. 4 bolts to chains on pitch 2. Bolts with washers through chains at the anchor of pitch 2.


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