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V6, Boulder, 8 ft (2 m),  Avg: 4 from 1 vote
FA: Alex Mitchell, Jan 13th, 2021
Oklahoma > Wichita Mountai… > Mt Scott > Pullout Game Area > Footy or Fiction
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Right hand starts on small crimp/ pinch on right side of arete if your facing it. Left hand starts on the left side of arete on low crimp. Work through a series of relatively challenging moves until you reach the crack above. Problem finishes when you exit the crack successfully. 


1-2 pads and spotter

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Left hand start hold shown here.
[Hide Photo] Left hand start hold shown here.
Getting set in the sit start position.
[Hide Photo] Getting set in the sit start position.
Right hand start hold circled in white.
[Hide Photo] Right hand start hold circled in white.