Type: | Sport, 80 ft (24 m) |
FA: | Kevin Hutchinson; EB E.Kozera |
Page Views: | 978 total · 20/month |
Shared By: | Eric Kozera on Jan 10, 2021 |
Admins: | GRK, Zach Wahrer |
May 2019 Update: “No Trespassing” signs have recently been posted at the entrance to the northern access at Allenspur. To clarify, the easement that controls that access (held by SMCC since 2005) is still in place. The signs are discouraging climbers and hikers from their rightful use of the trail that accesses public BLM land.
Another access exists to the south. It is controlled by a different landowner that allows us the privilege of crossing their land. They have requested that people not bring dogs across their property. If you have been bringing your dog through that property, please stop. Right now, it is imperative that we respect the lawful requests of landowners.
Follow 3 bolts up a ramp to the large ledge, then crack climb and stem the corner system up enjoyable features, spacey bolts and comfortable stances. After a major cleaning effort, the first route ever done at the Spur is good to go. However, as with any new route at the Spur I would recommend a belay helmet. You can also still lead this pitch on traditional gear, if so inclined.
Retro-bolted with permission.