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5.10, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 3.9 from 8 votes
FA: Kyle Sox, Kevin Junge & Sean Cobourn (ground up) 10-31-20
S Carolina > Table Rock SP > Pumpkintown > Main Wall Left of Cen…


From the third bolt on Spector, float up and right clipping 7 more bolts while wailing over the crux bulge/roofy thing.  Shares an anchor at left end of mossy ledge with Spector.  A completely separate second pitch is being schemed.


Near center of this area is a noticeable tree ledge 100 feet up in air.  This route starts below the left end of the ledge below a moss pad and short corner feature.


all bolts but if you want, there may be a small cam or two...

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Mike R
[Hide Comment] Sweet route!! Dec 23, 2020