Type: Trad, 40 ft (12 m)
FA: Levon Weighall 1990
Page Views: 1,281 total · 24/month
Shared By: Spencer Huffman on Aug 8, 2020
Admins: Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

Start on the owl, move to a bolted seam that leads to a horizontal crack and finishes with some moves on a small ledge-y face. The first couple of bolts can be clipped with a foot in the crack system of The Owl. Many of the initial and final moves are insecure, but the crux is in the middle of the seam. The Mission Gorge PDF describes this climb as starting on the first few moves of The Owl, but the newly placed bolts would suggest that a variation with a more direct start has since been climbed at a [much?] harder grade??

Location Suggest change

A bolted right-leaning seam (originally aided?) that starts on a small ledge. Just right of The Owl and a few feet climber's left of Mission Impossible.

Protection Suggest change

Start on The Owl with cams in the corner that's followed by 7 or 8 high quality bolts to a bolted anchor with quicklinks. Can do a harder start directly under the route that adds a bolt (8 or 9).

